A simple way to Improve Life Quality
Results are not in our control but our actions and habits are!
Over the last few years, I was in continuous effort to feel better and get better in countless ways. As I am a conscious soul, I prefer to observe things a little closer. One thing was sure to me that I was not satisfied with the way I was living though I was happy but trust me not joyful.
A year before, I changed a lot in a good and a bad way. Though I had my life vision clear to me, still something was not approachable. I was not aware of the steps to follow to reach my desired life. I tried good food, did exercise, and built a positive social circle. I tried to get away from the toxic people as well. So, this reflects that I tried and tried hard as well.
But, still, something was missing, I think that contentment feeling was not there.
Then, one day, I don’t know from where but I got an answer. A very simple answer. I call this a gut feeling or intuition. It encloses a message that says, “Live today as your dream day”. It pushed me deeply in a positive way.
I followed my gut feeling and lived that day fully as my dream day. Whatever I wished for my dream days (future), I did almost the same things at that moment. Trust me, It felt amazing! Whatever I was lacking in my life, I was having all those emotions in abundance. That day, I witnessed that these are our actions and patterns that are stopping us from living a wonderful life. I was the one who had become an obstacle between me and my dream life.
And, from that day onwards, I started living every day as my dream day. I am not talking about the results, and the things, all I am talking about is the feelings, the emotions. Look at the bigger picture here, my friends.
So, it is simple, why wait for the future to provide us the opportunity to live life the way we wish for? Let’s feel that feeling of what we think we will feel in the future when we get our things done in our ways.
Maybe at this stage, you don’t have those things with you that you are dreaming of. But you have you and you can feel any emotion anytime if you are conscious and ready enough to feel that.
So, just a suggestion for all of us, that let’s start to behave the way, to feel the way, what we are dreaming of regardless of our circumstances.
We cannot decide the outside things but we can decide our emotions and feelings, our thoughts and actions, our behavior and habits. And, trust me, this is the best gift we ever have as humans! So, let’s utilize this for our benefit.
Have a great and fun life!