Anxious or Excited?
A Journey to analyze whether the anxiety and excitement are the same?
As I was preparing for my recordings, I experienced the feeling of stomach quenches, sweaty palms, and racing heart rate. I had already experienced these symptoms before several times. But here, at this point, I tried to analyze those experiences.
During my doctorate journey, when there were a lot of uncertainties, I experienced anxieties almost every day and night, which was not a good experience for me. During nights, I was unable to sleep due to these dreadful anxieties. I pray to God that no one ever feels the same.
Then, during my childhood, whenever I had to present anything on the stage like dance, play, or any other co-curricular activity, at that time too, I experienced the symptoms like stomach quenches, racing heart rate, and sweaty palms. But, I was not anxious in my childhood. I was more towards the excitement phase. I was happy, laughing, and yet feeling the same symptoms as that of anxieties.
The point here is if the brain sends us the same signals for anxiety as well as excitement, then can we trick it a little bit? Sometimes, in my mind, I think that it can be a possibility that while growing up, we, humans, have somehow misinterpreted the excitement with the anxities? This is my one assumption but the fact is there that the brain is sending us the same signals for both. Right? So, let’s take advantage of this logic. Let’s trick our brain and confuse it with excitement whenever we are feeling anxious.
Now, as we have already thought about tricking our brains, then there should be a strategy for this. And, that strategy lies in the following affirmation.
“Whenever you feel anxious, say to yourself that this is one kind of excitement. This is for my growth and I will learn something good, and new. I will witness some wonderful experiences from this.”
By using a positive mindset, you will observe that you have done the required task in a very professional and outstanding way.