Categorization between Good and Bad is troubling us
William Shakespeare said, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”.
One day, I and my cousin visited a beautiful park. We talked for more than an hour. While our conversation, I observed he was getting anxious again and again. He was very short-tempered on that day. He had so many problems with society. I asked him what is the reason behind that irritation. He then told me he always thinks that he does not belong in this world. The world is not a good place. He always believes that the people here do not do justice to each other. What I have observed from his words is that he always judges the other person according to his own expectation. What I am trying to say here is that we should not judge others. Every person, everything is right according to his choice. If we are not happy or we are not feeling satisfied, the reason must lie within our thoughts, it has nothing to do with others.
My friend always does one thing, whenever anyone visits him, he always thinks that the other person has come with some self-centered purpose. that feeling always hurts him.
If we want to live happily, we should not be judgemental, especially toward others. We do not know what the other person had experienced in his life’s journey.
Note: If we cannot think positive for the other person, we should not think negative even. This means we should have neutral thinking for others.
The root cause of our pain lies behind our judgment. When we categorize anything, any thought, any person into a good or bad one, then the real trouble arises.
Think about this, if everyone will start thinking in such a way that “whatever the other person did, that can be right for that person but is not according to our opinion/expectation and, that is totally right/acceptable.” Because the viewpoint of every individual can not be the same, we all perform the task according to our views and experiences.