Eat easy, Don’t complicate your food

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readDec 22, 2022


Why complicate, if solutions are easy?

Power of Plant-based foods (image by Markus Spiske from Unsplash)

Walking down the streets of the Queen of Hills, I was enjoying the serenity of the place. Too many historic buildings surrounded me and I felt that calmness for which we people always move from one place to another. It was a beautiful calm and cold night and the temperature was freezing -1 degrees.

I was sitting there and reflecting on my life. Everyone has tough days so did I. One day, I was diagnosed with a disease and the doctors advised me to be on the medication for my lifetime. With full-on hope, I knocked on the door of a nutritionist, so that she will guide me with a few nutrition tips and exercises, but she also advised me to take medications for a lifetime. I was disappointed, I was filled out with tears and came out of her office. It was a hot afternoon, and with grief, I walked almost 4 to 5 km way back to my home. I was shocked that why me? Why did this happen to me? What I did do wrong? I searched a lot. I met with a few ayurvedic people. I read books. I was stubborn I wanted to heal myself naturally.

Then one day, with all the knowledge that I gained, I figured out a diet plan for me, a very easy one that includes fruits and vegetables. And, for your information, I healed myself very easily and quickly.

By experiencing the results, I gained confidence, that all we need to do is to simplify our diet and life. We had complicated our lives with complex foods. We overcook, and we combine different-different foods. That is not good. What if we simply eat whatever nature has given us? What if we eat food in the form that the planet and soil have given us? What is the need to complicate things? What is the need? When we are aware that if we will put the wrong food in our bodies, it will surely punish us back in one or another form.

So, my suggestion here is, eat easy, don’t complicate it. Only then, we all will be at ease and not at dis-ease.

I am not saying that doctors and nutritionists don’t help. They are there to guide us. In emergencies, they are our saviors. They care for us. But, we also have some responsibility towards ourselves, towards our health. Then, take it and live life to the fullest.



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