Facing your Fears/Phobias
This one is a very recent experience for me. Phobia = Overthinking. Therefore, the solution is easy.
Throughout my life, I had limited myself to good opportunities. I had some phobias and due to which I became an obstacle in the path of my growth. I was not at all ready to face those fears.
Whenever I realized that I am not able to do a particular task due to my fear I deeply got hurt. I felt irritated and sometimes, I cried also.
But my loved ones always supported me. They had trusted in me. It is not that I have not tried to get rid of these fears. I had tried numerous ways but I failed always. I faced the fears too but was not able to get rid of them.
Then, one day, I was talking to a stranger and he suddenly said something that left a deep effect on me. He has shared one tip with me to get rid of these fears. I tried and it worked miraculously for me. I was able to face my fear and now, I am free from a few of them.
The point to think is:
It is not the fear or the phobia which is stopping us to face the reality, it is our habit of overthinking.
Trust me, think about it. Take a pause and observe, whenever you want to face your fear or phobia, what you do, you just get yourself stuck in the pattern of negative thoughts. Then one thought leads to another and you are unable to get yourself out of that negative overthinking loop.
Therefore, it is not the phobia or fear you have to deal with, it is your overthinking pattern that you have to break.
So, the technique to break the overthinking pattern related to your existing phobia is :
Before facing your phobia, try to feed the positive thoughts related to that situation. Give your mind a big number of positive justified thoughts. Practice this method for a few days. So, in the future, when you are going to experience your phobia(s), the negative thoughts that will try to get admission in your mind, will not get space for themselves. Your positive feedback will dominate over those negative overthinking patterns.
If we have to overthink, let's overthink positive thoughts. I know saying is harder than implementing, but practice makes a man/woman perfect. Right?