Follow your Intuition: Gift yourself a break

Dr. Supriya Sharma
3 min readApr 14, 2022



We all work hard and smart. We want to achieve something in our life. We want to be happy and peaceful. We want our loved ones to love us unconditionally. We are soft-hearted persons. We all need appreciation for the work we are doing. We want to finish our tasks before the deadlines. We want to be healthy. We want to be in proper shape. We want to look attractive and fit. We want that we should be surrounded by good people. We want a good social life and we still want much more (a never-ending list).

But, in this longing, have we ever given importance to ourselves. Have we ever thought about what my soul is expecting from us? We want to achieve almost everything in this world but who is going to help us. Who is the true partner?

Our Soul, Our body and Our health (mental as well as physical) are the true partners.

We have to learn from the story of Rabbit and Tortoise, “Slow and steady always wins the race.”

We are rushing towards success and that is okay but we have to slow down at some points to closely observe what is going on. We have to be in balance. We have to keep balance in every aspect of our life, be it professional, personal, social, health, financial, emotional, and so on.

Every time, when we need to stop, our body and mind send us the signal but we always ignore that may be because we are not that conscious to understand those signals. This is called intuition.

Here are some signals by our body and mind, that we need to identify:

  1. Mental Fatigue: We feel burdened and we are not able to start a single task even. We feel like there is so much work and we cannot handle that.
  2. Physical Fatigue: The mental pressure also leads to disease or tiredness. We feel exhaustive and are not able to do our physical workouts even. We do not want to go to work or anywhere. We think that we need rest.
  3. Irritated: We feel irritated every time. The mental exertion also disturbs the beautiful relationships that we are sharing with our loved ones. We are always in fight or flight mode. Sometimes, we are fighting for no reason.

Therefore, whenever, you are feeling the above signals or symptoms, you have to immediately pay attention and give yourself a break. Leave everything behind. Don’t worry, if you will not complete the task on time, it's okay. Someone else can do that or after recharging yourself, you will be able to finish that even with more efficiency. But if your health (mental as well as physical) got disturbed, no one else will recover it for you.

So, Give importance to your health and happiness. Health and happiness both are interconnected and are dependent on your choices only.

Slow down for a while, fix whatever needs to be fixed, and then again, continue your journey. You will win and nothing can stop you this way.



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