Formula For Success: Don’t chase motivation, chase Prompts

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readMay 31, 2022


Photo by Olena Sergienko from Unsplash

I am a hard worker and an intelligent worker too. I believe in efforts and actions. I do whatever I have committed. I follow my path and stick with it. I learn every day from my surroundings. I believe in self-improvement. I always try to be positive but am not able to feel the same. Almost every one of us can relate to this story.

Here, my point is if we want to achieve something then why don’t we feel that motivation every second when we are in process of completing that task. What is stopping us or pulling us backward? We have always heard one thing since our childhood “Motivation is the key that pushes us forward towards our goal.” Then, what is the hidden reason behind this that we lack motivation many of the time?

Whatever I have explored in the past few years and have experienced a few things. From those learnings and experiences, I concluded that it is not the motivation that drives us, it is the prompt that drives us and pushes us to do certain actions whatever we want to do.

A Prompt is an event/trigger which reminds us to do a required action.

Identify your prompt.

Let’s say you want to make a new habit of running every day. On the first day, you feel motivated and have walked for a few miles. Then someday, you do not feel that urge to go for a walk due to the lack of motivation. So, now, you need to set a prompt for yourself. For example, if you have set an alarm and decided whenever this alarm will ting, then you will go out for a walk without any excuse. So, this alarm is a prompt for you. Just stick with your prompt. Don’t feel like you are not going for a walk because you do not feel motivated. Don’t attach your actions with motivation. It is not trustworthy. Get yourself connected with prompts.

Try this for a few weeks and see the results.



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