Health is Happiness
In search of happiness, we do many things in our life. We travel a lot to relax and learn new ways of life. We follow our passion to finally sense satisfaction in our minds. We meet our friends, go on outings and enjoy being around them. We eat delicious food to feed on our pangs of hunger to feel satisfied.
We are always finding ways for our happiness. Now, think about one thing, if we are not in a good health, can we be able to enjoy anything? If a person is in pain, whatever is offered to that person, be it a delicious meal or a travel ticket to his dream country, will he/she be able to enjoy that offer? Obviously No. Then, what is that one thing that if we possess, we feel happiness?
We are aware that happiness is inside not outside. So, it is definitely friends with the inside things that can be health, peace, joy, and so on. Let’s observe the relation between health and happiness then.
If we do exercise, then do we feel happy? If we go on a walk, then again do we feel joy with a smile on our faces? Do we feel relaxed and light if we evacuate our bowls properly in the morning? If we eat fruits in the morning, does our body feel light like a feather?
If the answer is yes, then this directly means that if we do healthy things, the things that are in favor of our body, then we feel relaxed, happy, satisfied, and joyful.
So, do not find happiness outside, instead, try to work on yourself. Take good care of your body and mind, you will automatically feel happy.
Chase Health, and Happiness will follow you.
Some suggestions for good health:
- Exercise regularly.
2. Eat healthy food.
3. Sit in silence for 10 minutes at least.
4. Massage daily.
Important: Actually, whatever emotions we feel, that is due to the chemicals released in our body. If we are healthy, then the chemical chemistry of our body will be fine and which in turn will make us feel balanced. So, we will feel our genuine emotions without any interruption.