How to Live a Stress-free Life

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readMay 28, 2022


Live Freely! Photo by Aziz Acharki from Unsplash

Since our childhood, we have always listened to our near dear ones, that stress is normal. We have to live our life very carefully. We should not do this or that. We should behave appositely in front of others. We can do anything in our home but we have to take care of so many things in public. We should not talk with strangers and the list goes on. I am not saying that these all are bad things and we should not follow our elders. No, they are right and we should follow them. We should respect good thoughts and habits but at the same time, we should live freely also.

Now, how this can be possible? If we will live freely, it might hurt others or it can be a possibility that in this process we get hurt.

If I will tell you, that by incorporating one habit into your lifestyle, you will be able to live freely, and at the same time, no one will be hurt by you.

Just think about it, if everyone will stop judging others, what will happen? Don’t you think that life would be easy for everyone?

We cannot expect change from others but we can change ourselves. Free yourself from judgments. Do not judge others and do not judge yourself even. Life will be very easy this way. Because Life is simple, we complicate it by categorizing it as good or bad. Don’t do this with life. Live it. Have fun.



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