Instant Goodbye to the Anxiety
We all feel anxious very often. It is neither bad nor good. But it is bad in that cases where the anxiety levels rise to the level where our overall health starts to get affected very badly. To deal with those levels, we should do something. We should channel that abundant negative energy in some different direction.
Now, the point is how we can get rid of those harsh levels of anxiety. Well, I have one technique to share here. I handled my anxiety levels by following that technique. Let me share how I managed.
So, here is the story. I had suffered from panic attacks. The condition was getting worst on the daily basis. Every night, till 4.00 a.m, I got awake. Whenever I tried to sleep, I got anxious. If somehow, I managed to get myself some sleep, within 10 minutes I got awake with the harsh levels of anxiety levels.
I tried to help myself with so many techniques and ways. Then, one day, after reading an article, I tried one such technique, following which I witnessed that my anxiety levels started to get vanish. Here is the technique:
- Write in a journal
Whenever you find yourself stuck in a panic attack or anxious, just take a paper pen, and start writing down about your panic attack. Whatever you are feeling, whatever you are thinking, just note that down. the cause of the panic attack, the time when you feel this feeling, the symptoms of whatever you are feeling, the thoughts which are troubling you. Just note that down. Write each and everything honestly.
Once that panic attack gets over, then again write down that thought or action which helped you come out of that panic mode.
2. Read your previously written panic attack story
Now, when the next time, you will have a panic attack, read your previously written story and you will find it a little convincing that if you came out from the previous panic attack mode, this time also you will come out. Then again, after getting recovered from the panic mode, write it down in the new paper.
This way, you will notice that within a few days the frequency of the panic attacks will reduce automatically.
All that you need to do, whenever you will find yourself trapped in a panic attack, is just write it down.
I can understand, it would be very tough for you to write down at that stage. But trust me, this has amazing results.