Intelligent Body: Healing Powers of the Body
Last week, I was out of town for some work. I preferred to stay in the homestay. I was surrounded by a beautiful and adorable family. This family was very sweet and I enjoyed my stay there. One thing I noticed there, the youngest child of that family, was not feeling well. He had to pop up the pills to feel well. I got shocked when I saw that the family had a cupboard full of medicines. I know, you will think, what is that strange in popping up the pills or why I am writing about this here.
The answer is:
Actually, there is no need to take the pills even if we are not feeling well. Nature has that capacity where it can heal everything on its own. This is all about we are not aware of that.
So, This article is about bringing back that awareness that I think, we all have missed over the years.
I am a doctorate and a naturopath. I studied nature’s powers for more than 5 years. From my life experiences and the knowledge shared by the experienced ayurvedic doctors and other naturopaths, I realized that 95 % of the problems or diseases can be cured by the body itself. Think about the below facts:
When the bone gets fractured, what we do, we don’t recover it through medicines or other ways, We just give support to that injured area, the bone itself gets recovered, Right? This means our body has some natural healing powers.
We all know that when someone feels a fever, we advised the person to be on fluids. The reason behind this advice is that we are giving rest to our digestive system because the body has accumulated the toxins/foreign matter, now it should be excreted from the body. If we will give the rest to the digestive system, the body will get the time to remove the toxins through its healing powers.
This is our life force energy/vital energy that heals us on its own only if we will give it some time.
We always indulge ourselves in eating, eating, and eating and we don't give time to our body/ digestive system to rest and do some healing.
Our life force energy is always busy in the digestion work, if we will fast for some time, the life force will automatically get some time to do the healing process also.
I am not saying that don’t take medicines, in some cases, when the disease is acute, then the medicines help the curing journey.
But, in various cases, if we will ease our body a little bit, then it will be dis-ease free.
Think about it and take charge of your health. After all, health is wealth.