Law of Attraction: The Universe is listening to you!
We know that we all are energies. Everything around us is one or the other form of energy. Whatever we think, speak, eat and do is actually the energy. What to eat or what not to eat, this concept is also revolving around energies.
Remember, The Law of energy says, “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another.”
And now we know that our thoughts are also energies. This means, When we think, one form of energy (our thoughts) does not just stop here, it got converted into another form of energy (whatever happens around us). So, whatever we think, that can come into existence in one or another way. Just because of this concept/reality, we have to take care of our thoughts. We have to choose our thoughts wisely. This is also known as “Karma”.
Therefore, Think Wisely.