Move on: Learn to Let GO

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readJun 10, 2022


Move on from those Who do not Understand You!

Let it GO (Photo by Brett Jordan from Unsplash)

I know this is hard for everyone. In our life, we love and respect some relations from deep within. But sometimes, this is not true from the other side. There are so many factors responsible for this gap. And, whatever you do to save that relationship, does not work at all.

Don't try to prove yourself in front of others. If another person has already left you from their heart, no matter whatever good you do to them, that will not be counted. So, Trust me do not do anything. Leave them behind. They are not meant to be a part of your journey anymore.

Whenever in life, you are going to attach to someone whether be it a friend, family member, or any other relation, try to trust and love only those who deserve that. If somewhere deep down your heart, you are not feeling that connection not even 1 %, then leave that feeling behind and move on.

I admit that this is very easy for saying and difficult to implement. But this is true my dear friend. I am not saying that the person who is not taking care of the relationship having you with him/her, is not a good person. No, every human being has some kind of intelligence, personality, and humanity within them. We should respect everyone but we should not be friends with them if we are not in sync with them. It is better to leave the ones who might leave a detrimental impact on your mind and soul later.

You are very precious to your family, society, and to your true friends. Sometimes, in all this chaos, we judge ourselves in the wrong way. So, don't hurt or judge yourself based on some bad experiences.

This world is a beautiful place to roam around, the human beings here are very charming to be loved, and you are special to yourself. So, don’t feel hurt and if you feel so, try to work on that as early as possible. Because the longer the wound, the more your loved ones will feel hurt.

Take care of yourself and be in the company of those who trust you and understands you.



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