Never felt lonely after being Friends with the Sun!

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readApr 6, 2022


Friendship with the Sun.

I was moving from one city to another, one state to another state, continuously changing my locations on a daily basis. Due to this, my social circle was getting disturbed as I was not in touch with my social circle. I found myself in a very lonely stage. After working for hours and hours, I feel trapped in a time when I was not able to vent out my feelings. And then something miraculous happened to me. I had encountered an enlightenment experience here these days.

So, here is the real story.

One day, I moved to a new city for my work. I reached there in the night and I felt restlessness during the entire night. Then, in the morning, I just went to the terrace. I was getting anxious again that no one from my circle is around me. Then, I don’t know from where It came into my mind that if I am unable to change this situation, I should change my ways to look into the problems. I tried to start thinking with a new approach. I thought I have to find out what was common in all the places where I visited or I will visit in the future. I found Sun and I felt an immediate connection with the Sun.

Sun was the one whom I can find anywhere in the universe. From that day, Wherever I went, I did not feel disconnected. Every place looked like home.

This is the human habit that when we go somewhere, we feel disconnected for some days and with the time when we get familiar with the surroundings, the same place feels like home for us. So, If we use this approach to find the common surroundings around us, then there will be no suffering in this manner even for a single minute. I am not saying here that we should leave our social circle, but we should feel connected to our universe also. This will actually help us a lot as we all are part of the universe and our bodies are made up of the same elements from the universe just in different proportions. By using this approach, We will be unbeatable and can achieve whatever we want to achieve. We all will feel contented and comprehensive.

We will never be alone and we will feel responsible for ourselves.



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