Power of being Optimistic

Dr. Supriya Sharma
3 min readMay 7, 2022


Photo from Unsplash

Sometimes, in our life, we feel that we are running out of time and money. We want to spend quality time with our loved ones and we also want to upgrade our lifestyle by earning more and more money. But we all are stuck with our belief system that we can achieve one goal at the cost of other. But what if I will tell you this is only a myth. We can have ample quality time with our loved ones with a better lifestyle too.

Let me explain this with a real-life example.

It was a rainy day. I just came back from my work and was sitting next to my friend. He came to my place to visit my family. As we had started our conversation, he got a call from someone, and all that I have observed from his conversation, he was very stressed. He was talking to his wife and was worried about the money and the time issues. Both were struggling in their relationship. I noticed one thing from his conversation that all he was talking about was the lack of time and lack of money. He was focusing only on the negative side of life. He was more towards the pessimistic approach.

I asked him if he can share with me what is troubling him. He told me that he is not able to earn a good lifestyle for his family. He had tried so hard at work and because of that, he was not able to get quality time with his family. Now, his family and he has been struggling a lot to make their life better.

I suggested to him two points that if he will follow them religiously, he will see wonderful results in his relations and also with money.

  1. Opt for Optimistic approach: All that he had used in the daily life conversations that he always talked about the lacking things. Whatever he wants in his life, he was saying the quite opposite of that. And, we all are aware of the fact that the “Law of Universe is continuously working for us”. We have to choose our words wisely. If we will have an optimistic approach in our life, then with that positivity, we will feel more energy and happiness and in turn, we will perform better in our day-to-day activities. We will prioritize good habits very easily. But if we will think negatively, then, we are draining our energies and with that state of mind, our choices will get affected which will lead us towards more trouble. So, we have to break that pessimistic cycle and join the optimistic cycle.
  2. Visualize yourself the way you want to see yourself: Now, as we had already started to think positively. Now, it is the time to extract 10 minutes daily for yourself from your day, especially In the morning, and think of all the things you want to have in your life. Now, whatever you want in your life, just think about what are those steps you have to take for achieving them. Now, start taking those steps one by one. This will surely take you towards your goal.

Note: Don’t use negative words for yourself. This way you are harming your energy levels only, which in turn will affect your life goals and makes it hard for you to achieve the desired results.

Just give it a thought, If we want to achieve something, then why not indulge in the required activity with the full pack of positive attitudes.



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