Rise your Energy Levels with simple daily choices

Dr. Supriya Sharma
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Refill your energy levels

By the age of 25, I was leading a very comfortable and good life. I did almost every task that was assigned to me. I never complained about anything. I was an obedient child of my parents. I was working as a professor and totally comfortable about it. I had my meals three times a day, I woke up by 7 a.m. Till noon, I worked at my college, then after came home, I give tuition, and then at the night, I always helped my mother with household chores. This was my simple life.

I thought I was in perfect balance. I did not indulge myself in any physical activities and frankly speaking, I did not even feel to do so. I was not curious at all. I never say no to my parents. But yes, One thing that was a continuous part of my life was my stomach pain. I visited many doctors but they had no answer for me. One of my uncles always visited us every 2–3 months. He had always given me the advice to do some fun activities, to live my life to the fullest and he always told me to live life without worries. Yes, I always was in a worried state.

One day, I was diagnosed with a thyroid imbalance. I was sad because the doctor advised me to have a lifetime of medication. I was not ready for the medication at this age. I visited the nutritionist with the faith that she will guide me with some healthy food habits. But she also advised me to have lifetime medication along with some supplements and exercises. That day, I cried a lot. I was shattered.

But I did not give up. I visited my uncle and also explored some books. During those days, I recently started reading some health-related books just a few months ago. What I listened to and found was amazing. That changed my entire lifestyle and transformed my health. The ideas were very simple but effective.

Today, I am sharing with you very simple daily habits that have the power to change your life in a miraculous way. After adding these habits to my routine, I reversed my thyroid without medication.

  1. Start eating plant-based food (the whole food).
  2. Sit for 20 minutes daily in the direct sunlight. (Especially within the 2 hours after the sunrise/ two hours before the sunset)
  3. Start playing any outdoor game (like badminton, football, or whatever you like).

Trust me, by following these simple habits, we will reverse so many diseases or problems in our life. Once, we are at ease with our body, we will ease with our energy levels as well. This way, we can feel the tremendous amount of energy within ourselves and our body will feel like feathers.

Remember, most diseases are not actual diseases, they are just lifestyle disturbances. Once, we correct our daily choices, we will witness some great changes in our life.



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