ROID Technique: Relax, Observe, Identify the Uncertainties, and then Decide Wisely
Sometimes in our life, we feel irritated and frustrated. We don’t want to do anything or any kind of work. We do not feel comfortable in any kind of situation. No matter what we do, we don’t like it. And, we justify that feeling with one saying that “I don't know what happened to me”. We find ourselves occupied with so much and because of that, we are unable to identify what to do and how to do it. We are even unable to make our decisions on time. We feel stuck.
You know whenever you will find yourself in this situation, do one thing, Identify the root cause of your feeling.
It is not always about the work pressure and the complexity level of the work. Sometimes, even the majority of the time, the reason is “Uncertainty”.
Once you will identify what are those things that are uncertain in your life at that particular stage, Pick them one by one, and make one decision for each and every uncertain task. This way, you will realize that your irritation level will go out of the window of your mind and certain types of relaxation and happiness you will feel for sure.
We humans always think that there should be no work pressure on us. But this is not always in our hands. What we can do, we should manage our tasks and dedicatedly achieve them step by step. Neither do we need not rush nor do we need to stop.
Note: ROID: Relax, Observe, Identify and Decide wisely. Use this technique whenever you feel stuck.
This will eventually reduce your stress levels to some extent. Look, we all have one life (Precious Life), Live it. It is always easy to manage rather than to worry about, Right? Do justice to your health and mind. Don’t punish yourself. Enjoy your life. there is always a solution to problems. Sometimes, we don’t know the solution and take help from others. It is okay to take help. actually, this way you are helping yourself. Don’t hurt yourself.
Enjoy Life, Feel Light!