Self-Care: Not Self-Centered
Self-care: A journey to within
Self-care has gained so much importance in our society today that almost everyone around us respects this habit. But still, some people are not aware of this beautiful journey and they try to use the self-centered word instead of the self-care. Let me share a wonderful journey here.
Once upon a time, there was a girl in this world. Since her childhood, she had just taken good care of her parents, siblings, and friends as well. She was obedient and helpful. She had never said no to any task given to her by any person. Due to that, she felt irritated and got angry too. She used to shout in her alone time. But she pretended to be happy in front of others. Actually, she was a people pleaser. She has not observed during that phase, that she is actually harming herself, her hormones, and her brain chemistry.
When in her 30s, she suffered a lot emotionally as well as physically due to her habit, then she learned a lot regarding her lifestyle. She managed to have a balanced diet in her life as well. She started to live a happy and carefree life. But, again, whenever at different times, she experienced rejection from her friends and family members, she got disturbed again and which resulted in her physical ailments as well.
Then, after reading numerous books, attending various sessions on well-being, and having a lot of rejections, she finally got her awakening. She recognized her gifts from the universe. She started to think of a way that she is having a beautiful body, an intelligent mind, and so many skills. She started feeling contented with herself and managed not to get validations from the outside world. She changed one thing in her life she is not a people-pleaser and she is also not self-centered even. After that, she healed herself physically as well as emotionally. She led a healthy life.
The point here is:
Focus on yourself, your likings and dislikings. Work on the things which give you satisfaction and growth. You can not please every human being in the world. One thing you have to take care of is that Don’t harm others intentionally.
We cannot help every being in this world. If as human beings, we all take responsibility for ourselves only, then this world is a very easy and beautiful place to live in. All we have to do is take good care of ourselves. When we are happy and contented with ourselves, then we can think of others in a good way. Our first and foremost responsibility is to Focus on ourselves first.