Self-Care Tips

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readJul 2, 2022


Prioritize yourself: Your Body, Mind, and Soul.

Photo by Lena Mytchyk from Unsplash

In these uncertain times, we all want happiness for ourselves and we try a lot to achieve that. Somedays, we just feel worst and we wish that time should fly away like clouds. And, somedays, we want to pamper ourselves like we are the special ones in this universe. This attitude is always estimable especially for those who want to grow in life and succeed no matter what. We should always appreciate and stick to this attitude.

We should take care of our health, mental well-being, our skin, our looks, and our feelings very well. We should also be grateful to the universe for giving us this intellect due to which we can walk on this continuous improvement path. A few suggestions for a better self-care routine are discussed below:

  1. Be an early riser. When you will witness the sunrise, you will feel the amazing satisfaction within you, that I can’t even explain in words
  2. Drink warm water with honey and lemon in it. Your intestines will thank you for this and throughout your day, you will feel light with your body. Honey is the one thing you should have daily in your diet.
  3. Do yoga and meditate for a few minutes. Start with a slow pace. you can start doing yoga for 10 minutes and then on the daily basis, you can increase the time duration for this. By spending some time on your exercise, you will think that you will appreciate yourself throughout the day for not being lazy and this will be your first step towards optimism.
  4. Have a nutritious breakfast. It is a saying that one should eat breakfast like a king. The actual meaning is we should eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning.
  5. Go for an evening walk/spend your time under the sky. Invest your evening time with the trees or under the sky. Connect yourself with the openness of the universe. Feel the calmness of the universe. This connection will stable your mind after working the whole day.
  6. Before bedtime, rejuvenate your skin and body. You can use homemade face packs, some oiling or massaging for your body and hair, and relax your legs and feet by dipping them into the warm water bucket.

We should try to take care of ourselves. We are special for ourselves and our near dear ones. Our mind, body, and soul should be precious to us. If we cannot pamper ourselves then how we can expect our special ones to pamper us. If we will not care for our gifts, like mind, body, and soul, then who will? So, take your charge!



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