Stress=More Expectations and Less Patience.
Life is full of struggle. There may be so many ups and downs in one’s life. We have to learn to grow along with all these challenges. Stress is natural. We always have heard this kind of saying from everyone around us. But think of it, today there is so much comfort we have in our lives than our previous generations. Then, why in this generation we are much more prone to stress? We always rush toward things sometimes to achieve them, sometimes to run away from them. We are always in hurry.
You know according to my research analysis, what is the major factor contributing the stress: Less Patience and More Expectations. Let me explain this with some real-life scenarios.
Every one of us are having a mobile. We call a person and expect the other person to answer the call immediately. When the other person does not answer the call. We feel bad and start to think negative thoughts. In the previous generations, this was not the problem at all. They had one phone at their home. They were patient.
In our previous generations, I think they are the most patient people ever. They had satisfaction with whatever they had. This does not mean they did not grow. They had a passion and they certainly achieved so many things if we look back in history.
What I am trying to convey here is We should have some patience with us. By mastering this habit we will see the positive differences in our life.