The Answer to how to break the Pattern of Negative thinking

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readApr 24, 2022


Get rid of Negative thoughts

As human beings, we all find ourselves in the trap of negative thinking. We all are aware that we should think positively. Whatever we think, we become. Our parents, our teachers, and our gurus always taught us that we should avoid negative thinking as the law of attraction works for us.

As a kid, I also heard the same from everyone around me. But I was unaware of the way how I can avoid negative thinking. As I grew up, I started my journey. I always try to listen to my seniors or elders as from them, maybe, someday, I will get the answer to how I can achieve this. But I always got disappointed as everyone around me has the answer to what should I do, but no one knew the answer to how it should be done?

But, I never gave up. I read several books, watched many videos, and listened to numerous spiritual people related to mind, body, and health. And then, one day when was reading a book which was very close to my heart, which changed my thinking pattern, which forced me to take some initial steps to my spiritual journey, I got astounded. I have read this book number of times, but every time, I fell in love with this book. This has given me the answer to my how question? Remember, How to get rid of negative thinking?

It taught me it is a habit formation that will lead me to break the negative thinking pattern. It has provided me with a technique that seemed very promising. I tried it and found it influential. It assisted me that it is very easy to break the pattern but needs a consistent and dedicated routine.

Here is a simple technique for mastering your mind:

Whenever any negative thought comes into your mind, just think the quite opposite of that thought.

Try this exercise every time, when you feel stuck with any negative thought. Then, within a few days, you will realize a constant decrease in the number of negative thoughts, and maybe the counts will drop to zero someday.

Very easy, Right. Trust me, it is effective also. This is about giving training to your mind as you train your muscles for exercise. Good Luck, in building a new habit pattern.



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