The Reason behind Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Dr. Supriya Sharma
2 min readMay 4, 2022


The choice is yours (Photo by Me)

We, humans, are very smart and intelligent. We always know what is best for us and what is not meant for us. We always give priority to ourselves sometimes directly and the other times, indirectly. After giving preference to ourselves even then, we face stress, anxiety, and sometimes depression too. If we love ourselves, if we want to take good care of ourselves, we all are seeking happiness. Then, why on the earth, do we get caught in these negative emotions. What is the reason behind all this? Where we are lacking?

Let's observe this step by step. There can be many reasons and let's identify our reason:

Reason 1: Go for Instant Solutions rather than Effective Solutions: Sometimes, when we feel stuck in any situation, we try to find an instant solution. We don't focus on the big picture. I am not saying here that we have to think of the future. But we have to use the ROID technique here. The technique was shared in the previous article.

Reason 2: Push Ourselves to extreme levels to achieve the Goal: When we get encountered a situation where we have to push ourselves to extreme levels, we forget about taking care of ourselves. We make ourselves too busy to realize why we are troubling our minds and body.

Reason 3: Going away from our True Self: While achieving your goal, if you feel that you have to become the opposite version of yourself, then stop there. Realize why you are troubling yourself. Why you are changing your true nature.

As human beings, we all like peace, happiness, and love. And, whenever, we are doing something opposite to these, our body and mind send us some signals in the form of anxiety and stress. We have to listen to these signals and try to be connected with our true selves. This is also called the “Grounding.”

Don’t lose your True Self i.e. love, peace, and happiness. It does not matter on which path you are walking, try to be grounded. Stress, Anxiety, and Depression will not affect you if you are Grounded.



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