Thinking Out of the box or In-align with Universe!
Sitting alone on a bench in the chilling morning. Feeling freshness of the cool air. Watching people around me, rushing towards their work. And, among all of them, I, very calmly, was observing the universe. I was feeling a relaxing silence. Calm mind, the beauty of nature that is what I was connected to.
Enjoying Solitude. Doing something weird for the people who were observing me from the distance. They can not even imagine to what extent I was feeling contented. People around me often say to me that I should enjoy life, I should be a part of the crowd, I should grow professionally otherwise I will be disconnected from the growth.
I don’t know how I should explain to them I am growing very calmly, linearly, and also in alignment with the universe. I feel grounded sometimes. I am not missing anything out there. I am achieving great things in my life.