Two ways to live healthily
We all want to live healthy lives. We want to spend more time on this planet with our near dear ones. To live a nourished life, we always have heard about eating healthily. We all have heard of this phrase:
“You are what you eat.”
So, there is no doubt, that we have to eat healthy to enjoy our lives to the fullest. One more phrase, we all have heard is,
“Be happy and live longer”.
Now the question is which path is the best among these two. I will say both go side by side. But still sometimes, in our life, when the times are not in our favor, we should opt for any one of these two. Let me share one story here.
During my hard times, the outside environments and things were not in my control. I tried hard to cope with stress. But due to certain uncertainties and uncertain times, I was not able to deal with my thoughts. But I had not given up. I was trying my best to explore those times and also tried to get some benefit from those conditions. Numerous things were not in my control and so are the thoughts.
Then, one day, I observed the patterns and recognized that if I am not able to live happily right now which in turn was affecting my health. I thought to change my way to deal with this problem. I thought of the first phrase i.e. eat well to live healthily and I started to apply this strategy in my life.
I started to eat healthy i.e. satvic diet. Within a few days, I realized there was an immense increase in my energy levels and due to my healthy state of body, my mind started to work in my favor. I started to think positively by default.
What I want to say here is “Sometimes in our life, some things are not in our control, so we should decide to work on those things that we can control and take charge of our health”. When one problem is not solved with a particular solution, then think in a different way. You will be able to solve the mystery with a new solution but don’t feel stuck.