Want to experience youthfulness: No more Age calculations
Age is just a number. Let's prove it.
Since ages, we are conditioned to calculate our age. Undoubtedly, we celebrate our birth anniversaries. But have you given it a thought that actually, calculating our years here on earth is leading us indirectly towards our deteriorating thinking patterns?
Like, we always associate our age with our capabilities. We always think that by reaching a particular age, we will not be able to do certain tasks. For example, if we are above 50 or 60, our bones will become weaker, there be many aging signs on our skin and many more.
I am not saying that this is a sure lie. No, but the way we are dealing with this, needs to be changed in a positive way.
I have seen a movie in which there was an old man who was active, happy, and experiencing new things. A young girl asked his age to which he responded that may be ‘50’ or ‘100’ years. He was not even aware. I like this concept. I had given it a deep thought.
Just think, what could have happened if we don’t have the number system with us? How we have calculated our age? How did we know that by approaching a particular number, we are getting close to death? Right, just by not calculating, we will no longer wait for death after the ’60s or ’70s. We will just live unconditionally till our last day on earth.
This is a famous quote, “ Age is just a number”.
I want to believe in this. As this has a deeper meaning too.
I am not saying that aging is bad or it will not happen. It will be there but aging of the body not of the thoughts. Let’s live unconditionally with a full pack of energies and happiness.
This was just my opinion, what do you think?